Hand Engraving Courses

"The apprentices first day" Price per course £285

One day introduction course to hand engraving as though you was a young apprentice on his first day.

  1. You will be required to draw heraldic crests and lettering for two hours under the watchful eye of an experienced master hand engraver then asked politely to make the tea!
  2. You would then move on to polishing and piercing for two hours under the strict supervision of a skilled goldsmith! Then take a 1 hour lunch break from 1pm to 2pm! 
  3. You will commence work after 2pm and hand engrave a  copper plate for two hours with script letters under the watchful eye of a master hand engraver who will in return make you a cup of tea.
  4. You will then round the day off with a 10 question and answer mini exam! After this exciting first day you would have made your mind up and now realise that you wish to hand engrave for the rest of your life!
  5. You will then receive a stamped and sealed certificate to prove you have successfully completed your first day as an apprentice hand engraver then catch the train home!

"The apprentices first week" Price per course £775

This is a five day course which can be spread out and taken per day over a period of 8 weeks or taken complete in one week.(its flexible) to suit you.

Day 1 The first day is exactly the same as course1 the apprentices first day.

Day 2 Will be a full day perfecting copper plate engraving using all the drawings completed on the first day under the watchful eye of a master hand engraver.

Day 3 Will be the morning spent purely piercing monograms by hand under the skilled guidance of a master goldsmith then the afternoon will be spent engraving old items such as pewter and silver also inside rings.

Day 4 Will be a complete day on business structure! Where to buy tools, machinery and trade contacts to start business ideas followed by two hours of intense polishing skills.

Day 5 Will be a complete take of the complete week asking question and practising all disciplines one on one with a master goldsmith and hand engraver up to 4pm, then a 20 question and answer exam will be conducted and a signed and sealed certificate of the apprentices first week will be awarded on completion .

Please email us for our latest prices on courses and availability.

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